I think this movie (The Losers) could have been much better if it had better actors. While it wasn't the worst movie i've seen in a while, it certainly wasn't great by any means.
First off, the plot was just OK. Basically a bunch of military guys want revenge on Max for killing 25 of kids in a helicopter. Yeah i know, it sounds kinda stupid...but it could be worse.
Oh, for those of you out there that don't know my review style, I never go into the whole plot on any of my movie reviews because you can read the synopsis of the movie on imdb or any other site out there.
With that note, the characters, especially Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Clay) were pretty bad. He's supposed to be in charge yet he seems like a big dope. Picture the dopey brother from "Everybody loves Raymond" and that's what he reminds you of. For a military guy that's supposed to be a bad-ass, he's really just a big pussy. He doesn't do any cool stunts or have any great action scenes. He just stands there and somehow hooks up with the girl...go figure. As for the rest of characters, the only one I really like was Chris Evans (yeah the guy from Fantastic Four). Although...he pretty much plays the same character in this as he did in F4.
Would I recommend people seeing this movie? Well it's not that bad to watch if there's nothing else on. I guess to rent it for a dollar at red-box is ok just be sure to return it the next day. Anything more than a $1 is a waste. There are a LOT of better movies out there that I would rather recommend you seeing if you haven't yet..action wise. (Shooter, The Bourne Trilogy)
I would give this a D+
If the ending wasn't such a bomb, I might even give the a C-, but trust me, the ending will disappoint you..It just ends!
Come 'on Hollywood, get your act together...I could have done a better job with my eyes closed.
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