Facebook? A great invention, or another way to lose your privacy?
I can't stand
facebook.(not to mention all those other social networking sites). I really don't understand why people use it. Is it because you have no friends to begin with, or is it because everyone else has it so I might as well too? Either way, all your doing is losing whatever privacy you have left.
I don't need people to know what I'm doing 24/7 or who
I'm dating or just broke up with. It's
nobodies business but mine. People feel they have to share every little detail about their lives. Idiots...and then they wonder how their accounts get hacked or why they are being stalked by some creepy person.
I moved out of my home town because I was sick of the drama and bullshit from the people I knew. Now they call me up wondering why I'm not on
facebook. Simple answer, "I don't want people knowing every detail of my life". Half of them are people I never liked in the first place so why would I
want to talk to them? To catch up on old times?
haha yeah right.
When you share that much information to the world about your daily routines and where you went to High School, you're just asking for something bad to happen. I think there's enough
weirdos out in the world already and now you're just giving them an easier route to get you. Can you say "Sucker".
Have any of you people ever heard of the world "e-mail". Yeah, it's that thing you use to send electronic mail back and forth to people you know. And did you know you can attach images and documents to it...wow technology. But no, people post up pictures of themselves and others (who
don't even want to be in them) but there tagged anyway, so now there's pictures floating on the open
internet for everyone to see. But nobody cares about what other people might want or not want. That is why you'll never find me on
The worst is the teenagers though that sit on there for literally hours at a time.. What could you possibly be doing on
facebook for that long? oh wait, probably playing some dumb-ass farm game..LOSER! Yeah, you know who you are. If you want to play a game that bad, there are much better ones on
XBox, PS3 or
Wii. If you want to talk to someone, pick up the
fuckin phone. It's really not that hard.
I could ramble on for hours about how stupid
facebook is but I think you guys get the point. So with that being said, see ya in the next post!