Read my reviews on tons of different topics. Movies, Music, Food, Television, Internet, and lots more. If your looking for an honest opinion about something, you've come to the right place. Enjoy!

Monday, September 27, 2010 Review

I recently came across on my quest to find out how much it would cost to fix my car. I didn't want to just take it to any San Diego auto repair store so I figured I try online first. The website had both it's ups and downs but first let me first give you a little background on what was going on.

I took my Ford F-150 to autozone the other day because my check engine light came on. I know it's still under warranty right now but only for another 1,000 miles so I figured I better get it in soon. After going to autozone and having them hook it up to their machine, they told me it was the coolant temperature censor. Now I really have no idea what that is and how much that would cost so I figured I should look it up prior to taking it in. I do think i have a deductible if I remember correctly.

Now if you haven't noticed, auto mechanics have a tendency to rip people off and overcharge them for certain things. So I went online to find quotes so I knew what to expect when I brought in my car. When I came across, my first thought was "cool, I can get an estimate right here". I typed in my cars make model and year and then it asked me to choose a type or repair. So I'm looking through the list trying to find coolant temperature censor but couldn't find it. Then I saw the search box and thought "ok, let's try that". So I typed it in a guess what...still nothing. Everything just got greyed out. I tried a few different categories thinking maybe it would be there. I thought wrong. I eventually gave up and and went back to google. Maybe it was just me or maybe not. When I see a search box though it should do an actual search and not just eliminate categories base on the word you type in. That's really my only complaint about the site.

There are a few things though that I did like about For instance, you don't need to register or anything to get an estimate. It's a very clean and simple site to use. I've seen some sites that make it almost impossible to do anything on. It also tells you what places are near you so you don't have to do a separate search on that.

So the bottom line is, if you need your coolant temperature censor replaced, might not help you. Although, there are about 50-60 other categories to choose from so you might be in luck if say you needed a power steering pressure hose. I guess I just happened to have the one problem not listed on their website. Lucky me!

I would recommend checking out the auto shop first because it only takes a second and who knows, they might be able to help you. It definitely beats searching google for a hour.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Mystery Team" Movie Review

Mystery Team

So, I watched this the other night and have read a few other reviews about people saying that this blew but I beg to differ....

Now by no means do I think this was a great film, or even a good film for that matter, I can say though that it kept me entertained throughout the entire movie.

So, you have 3 geeky nerds that act like they are in 3rd grade although they are really 18 and they have their own detective agency. That about sums up the movie in a nutshell. Their typical case is "Someone stuck their finger in a pie" but now there taking on a murder case for 10 cents. Yeah... I know what your thinking.

Mystery Team is one of those movies that you will either enjoy and find it kind of amusing or you will probably completely hate it and think its retarded. I found a lot of the parts to be quite funny even though they were stupid. It's kind of like taking an 18 year old person and putting the brain of a 6 year old and this is what you end up with. When you watch this, you'll see what I'm talking about.

This is by no means meant for a child to watch even though the cover may look like it. There is nudity (only 1 scene) and a lot of swearing. If you're 18 and you think girls are yucky, then this will be right up you're alley.

In my last post I reviewed "The Other Guys" and this one is by far more funny. I would definetly watch this again before I watch "The Other Guys".

So if you're looking for a quick laugh and to be entertained, then by all means check this out. If you don't expect anything superb, you won't be disappointed. I'll give it a C+/B- for entertainment purposes, but probably a C overall.

Feel free to post your input on this movie. Enjoy!

"The Other Guys" Movie Review

I recently watched this disaster of a movie thinking that it might be kind of funny. Boy was I wrong!

Will Farrell and Mark Wahlberg should not have been casted in this movie! I repeat...Will Farrell and Mark Wahlberg should NOT have been casted in this movie!

Neither one of them made me laugh at all. It was a very cheesy plot, the acting was horrible, and the directing sucked as well. I'm not exactly sure what the writers and producers were thinking when they thought that this would be a good film.

First of all, I like seeing Mark Wahlberg in films where he's playing more of a bad-ass. Like Shooter, Fear, or Four Brothers. He has no business being in a comedy...well at least not this one. "The Big Hit" was Ok. As for Will Farrell, He acts his typical self like he does in every movie. I'm not a real big fan of him either so that really doesn't help the situation. The movie had a lame plot (I don't even remember it entirely, that's how boring it was) and bad supporting actors. When you try to be TOO funny, it just isn't. Bottom Line!

So was there anything good about this film? Well, not really. The wooden gun was a little funny for about 1/2 a second, then it got old real fast. I'm also pleased to say that I didn't have to witness Vince Vaughn in this. He would have only made it worse...which is hard because it already sucked.

I would rather be standing in line at the DMV than have to watch this again. Anyone that thinks that is funny is smoking something really good!

I won't recommend this to anyone! D- on my scale and that's being polite. If you don't believe me, find out for yourself.